Thank you for your support of the TREES pilot program. We received an overwhelming response from growers signing up to participate in the pilot program. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any more participants in the pilot program at this time. For general questions on the program, please contact the California Bountiful Foundation email at
The Terrestrial Reserve for Emissions and Exchange Systems (TREES) Program serves as a link between commercial enterprises aiming to offset their greenhouse gas emissions and the agricultural sector, where farmers can earn revenue through carbon sequestration. Enterprises (like airlines seeking to balance their emissions) create the demand for carbon credits. In response, the California Bountiful Foundation acts as an administrator and verifier, assessing and quantifying the carbon stored in the woody material of tree orchards and grapevines on farms. The Foundation will facilitate contracts with farmers and direct sales of carbon credits to businesses, enabling them to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Farmers earn revenue for their carbon sequestration efforts and commit to biochar production, enhancing the program's environmental impact.
The Foundation specializing in:
Development of a Comprehensive Agricultural Carbon Protocol and Methodology: Developed by PhD scientists at the California Bountiful Foundation to accurately measure carbon sequestration.
Custom Developed Software: Designed to support growers, verifiers, and buyers with a user-friendly interface for streamlined information management.
Legal Contracts: Established to ensure a high degree of compliance, reliability, and accountability in carbon credit transactions.
Cost-Effective Verification: The California Bountiful Foundation verifies carbon stored and biochar produced, maintaining a low administrative costs.
Case Studies and Farmer Profiles: Documenting instances of carbon sequestration on farms and the production of biochar at the end of a tree or vine's productive life.
Direct Carbon Credits Sales to Commercial Buyers: These credits are sold directly to commercial buyers, bypassing voluntary or compliance carbon markets for streamline transactions.
Contact the California Bountiful Foundation at or at (916) 561-5500.